Darcy Broadbent

Oct 23, 20192 min

Start Your Day With A Positive Mindset

No doubt life is tough...nobody said it was going to be easy. You get up at a time that's too early only to fight traffic on your way to a job you don't really like. To take your mind off "things" you turn on the T.V. only to hear about the latest shooting, increased cost of living or latest political debacle. Do you ever think that people are angrier than ever? Well, it's no wonder, right?

The key to having a positive mindset is to start your day with positivity. How you start your morning will dictate the course of the rest of your day. So, first thing's first. When you get up in the morning don't head directly to your phone. It didn't really miss you all that much and truth be told, your love affair with your phone is a one-sided relationship. Don't turn on the T.V either. Stay away form the bad news.

You don't need any of that to greet you in the morning. So what is there to do then you ask?

Start with something you find positive and uplifting. For instance, why not start a journal? You can spend the first 10 minutes of your day writing out things you are greatful for. Or perhaps list a few nice things that someone did for you this week; or that you did for someone else. Make a list of people that inspire you and why; write about something that you are looking forward to; write down what your ideal day looks like. The list goes on but the idea is to write about positve things to get you started in the right frame of mind. If you "don't have time" (you do, but anyway) then get up 10 minutes earlier-that's how important this is.

Not only do you want to start your day with positivity, you want to end the day the same way. You need a good night sleep to recharge your brain and your body. Your focus toward the end of the evening should be on prepping for a good night sleep.

30 minutes before bed, put down the phone! While you're at it, turn off all your devices, and that includes the television. Take the time to go to a quiet room and meditate or catch up on a favourite book. Maybe try having a hot bath. You can even take the dog for a walk. Whatever you do, your goal should be on clearing your mind, not filling it with clutter just before bed.

Make your day a bookend of positive goodness! How you start your morning will set the path for the rest of the day. Start your day with negativity--have a bad day. Start your day with a positive routine--have a good day. And don't forget to end on a postive note as well. It's practically science!

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