Darcy Broadbent

Mar 14, 20201 min

You Have To Decide

You Have A Decision To Make

You will have to decide...Will You or Won’t You?

Either you WILL stop letting negative thoughts affect who you are now…

or you won’t

Either you WILL stop listening to that inner voice that’s telling you that you are too weak… or you won’t

Either you WILL realize there is something greater on the other side of effort…

Or you won’t

Either you WILL say “enough is enough”… Or you won’t

Either you WILL decide that today is the day you finally say “I’m going to start fighting back” Or you won’t

Either you WILL decide to be the light in the world because that’s what is inside you; that’s what you were meant to do…

Or you won’t

Choose WILL over won’t

#youaregoodenough #dreambelieve
