Darcy Broadbent

Mar 8, 20201 min

Make It A Habit

Hara hachi bu---This is a saying that exists in Okinawa. It roughly translates to "eat until 80% full"

When you eat until 80% full, then you are practicing mindfullnes and not overindulging. Another way to think of this is to eat until you are not hungry anymore rather than eating until you are full.

It sounds great in theory but how do you accomplish this? One way is to slow down when you eat. It can take 15 minutes for your stomach to send a signal to your brain saying that it is full. By slowing down, then you give your braiin a chance to catch up with your stomach.

So replace your old habit of eating your entire meal plus dessert within 10 minutes with a new habit of eating slowly. Try these tips:
*put your utensils down after every bite
*Be more mindful when eating (enjoying the taste, texture, smell) by not eting while watching TV or while being on your phone.
*Have converstations with family or friends at the table interspersed between bites.
*Use smaller plates and tall, narrow cups.

Slowing down while eating provides several benefits, such as feeling more satiated and satisfied with less food, and decreasing total caloric intake.
