Darcy Broadbent

Mar 27, 20202 min

Controling Anxiety

We are living in a time of great stress at the moment. While we cannot always control the outside world and what is going on around us, we are in control of our thoughts, emotions and how we deal with the situations we find ourselves in.

Sometimes, what is going on around us makes us feel like we have no control. But there are things you CAN do to control your outlook and your anxiety.

So… How do we “stay positive”, especially during challenging times?

For one, understand that life is always going to have positive and negatives, happy and sad, good and bad; and that it is always going to be changing.

Next, create the positive emotions you want to feel!

Understand that YOU are the person who generates your emotions by what you think.

Sure, it may be hard to feel excited or cheerful during stressful times, but you can tap into some other emotions - even if just for a few minutes here and there throughout the day.

Ever hear the saying, "We are what we think"?

This means that your life is dictated largely by your thoughts. And that your thoughts create your emotions.

Affirmations are a proven way to rewire our brains. Try these:

“Today, I am content and calm.”

“I am blessed with so many talents that I will use today.”

“My body is healthy, my mind is strong, and my soul is content.”

“My thoughts are filled with gratitude and thankfulness today.”

During stressful times, repeat these (or make up your own) affirmations so that you can change you thoughts and build emotions the make you feel







While creating a positive attitude and outlook in our minds, there are techniques we can use to physically calm our bodies as well.

One of the most common and successful techniques is breath control.

To practice breath control--

*Fill the lower area of your lungs by pushing the diaphragm down

*Fill the middle area of your lungs, expand the chest, and raise the rib cage

*Fill the upper area of the lungs through a slightly raised chest and shoulders

*Hold for a few seconds and exhale, reversing the steps and returning to the initial state

Pratice those regularly but don't get too worried about doing it perfectly at the start. Slowing down breathing and slow down anxious thoughts.
