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Grandma Was Right!

Eat fat; don’t eat fat. Eat carbs; don’t eat carbs. Don’t eat at all and fast for 3 days. Wow, there is no shortage of nutrition advice out there but one thing that nobody disputes is Grandma’s ol’ fashioned advice: Eat Your Vegetables!

For some reason, when I should now be having all the time in the world to eat healthy, I find more and more junk coming onto my plate. You actually have to make it a habit to add veggies into your day or, well, you (I) just may not do it.

This is an especially important habit to acquire because vegetables are a superfood! And who doesn’t like super and food combined? A portion of vegetables is 1 handful and in a perfect world you would eat 5 handfuls a day. Veggies are nutrient dense which means you get a lot of nutrition from very few calories. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals and have lots of fibre…all of which can battle disease and lower your risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses.

We already know we should be eating more vegetables, the problem is in the execution. Just how do we do it?

At DarcyFit, it’s not just about working out. It’s also about education and habit coaching through the DarcyFit app. If you want to learn more about this or other habits you can incorporate into your day to help you reach your fitness goals then drop me a message or email.

I love to be social so find me on:

Instagram  @heartsinvegas

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