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Nutrition For 100 Alex

Answer: You can do this but why would you

Question: Can I burn off the sweet treat I ate last night?

Have you ever looked at a cookie or piece of candy and think "I can eat that but I'll just run for an hour before bed" My question to you is why would you do that?

If a sweet treat fits into your daily calorie count, then go ahead and and eat it--guilt free!

The problem with that way of thinking is that you are assigning a type of guilt for eating the sweet and then assigning a punishment (exercising) in order to balance the scale

Eating a treat occasionally should never cause you any guilt. The truth is, if you eat well (and within the allotted number of calories per day for you to lose weight) 80% of the time then you will be hugely successful at losing weight.

And, (Ya, I know you shouldn't start a sentence with the word "and" but I don't care) you should never think of exercise as a remedy--or punishment--for eating. Exercise should be used to improve your body. To make it move better pain free; to make it sleep better at night; to make it perform better so that you can do the things you enjoy in life. Think of exercise as something enjoyable. You should never do an exercise you don't like.

Don't like jogging? Then don't

Don't like lifting weights? Then don't

What is exercise? Exercise is movement--any movement--and movement is health.

If you travel down this "eat-exercise it off-eat-exercise it off" road long enough it can also lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and that my friends is a place you do not want to be.

Remember--food should be something to be savored and enjoyed and exercise should be activities that are pleasurable to you.

At DarcyFit, my clients learn healthy habits around eating and exercise. If are ready to start learning healthy habits and exercise that improves your ability to move and perform better then why not try a 14 day free trial to see how I can help you.

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