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Are You A Baller?

Darcy Broadbent

Stability balls are an awesome tool to add to your arsenal. They’re big, bouncy, fun and if you have one sitting in your living room, well hey…it makes for a great conversation starter.

It’s a great way to introduce instability training into your routine and you can use it to progress your way from working on a stable surface to an unstable surface. For instance, if you are proficient at doing planks on the floor then try progressing to doing planks on the stability ball! Because of its unstable base, using one can increase the strength and stability of your core and it also increases the demand of your muscles to stabilize the body in a proper posture…oh joy! Want another benefit? Ok, it also allows for greater range of motion on some movements like doing a crunch on a stability ball by allowing for greater extension through the movement so really, what’s not to love about it.

Stability balls come in various sizes and the general recommendation is if you are 5 feet or under then a 45cm ball will be good. 5 feet to 5’7” then go for a 55cm—5’8” to 6’ then a 65cm ball should be good. If you are over 6 feet then choose the larger 75cm ball. The perfect size though will allow you to sit on the ball with your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent to 90 degrees and select one that is burst resistant…that’s kinda important (need I explain why?)

While they are a great tool you do need to take precautions when using one. Use it in an open space so that it doesn’t get punctured on anything, store it in a place away from heat or direct sunlight so the material doesn’t break down and don’t wear sharp objects when using one…oh ya, and please don’t stand on one…they aren’t made for that and no matter how many Youtube videos you see of people doing that, it isn’t safe. Also, because it’s a great tool but NOT a toy, you’ll want to supervise children if they are using one.

So now that you know the benefits of the mighty stability ball why not head on out and grab one. One final warning…its use may cause increased strength, stability and calorie burn…you’ve been warned!

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