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Are These Chemicals Sneaking Into Your Diet?

Darcy Broadbent

If you have eaten any foods which contain Zeaxanthin, Epigallocatechin, procyanidins, Proanthocyanidins, or Sulforaphane you MUST read this….you may be inadvertently eating these substances and not even know it! If you have ever ingested any of these chemicals then YOU are at an increased risk of improved health.

See…the old saying that if you can’t pronounce it then you shouldn’t eat it is uh…shall we say “not true”. So, just what are those strange chemicals I mentioned at the beginning? Many of you probably thought my keyboard went haywire but no, these are actual things. The 5 chemicals I listed are plant chemicals…also known as a more familiar term to you (maybe) PHYTOCHEMICALS and these are very good for you!

For example, Zeaxanthin is found in kale, spinach, corn, eggs and citrus….Go Team Zeaxanthin!!! That chemical which we can’t pronounce can contribute to the maintenance of healthy vision. Ok, but surely epigallocatechins and procyanidins are very bad for you right? I mean look at all those strange letters grouped together…something sinister must be at play with these. Well, not quite. These natural phytochemicals are found in tea, apples, grapes and even CHOCOLATE (you’re welcome!) and promote good heart health. Proanthocyanidins? Promotes heart health and urinary tract health and is found in cranberries, strawberries, grapes and even WINE (again, you’re welcome) Sulforaphane bad? Nope! Found in cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and kale, this phytochemical can enhance natural detoxification and is a powerful antioxidant.

Plants have these wonderful phytochemicals because they help protect the plants from such things as ultraviolet light from the sun and protection from free radicals so when you eat those plants you gain some of the same protections…pretty cool huh? And if all you got from this blog was that chocolate and wine is good then so be it…go forth and eat your Diallyl Sulfides!

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